dinsdag 21 september 2010

Second post: The voice of Holland


Monday I looked to the repetition of The voice of Holland.
Some people have a very nice voice and some people don't.
I was really surprised by the voice of Ben Saunders.
Ben Saunders is a man with a lot of tattoos and golden teeths.
He looks like an asocial and insensible person.

When Ben started his song, I was amazed.
After the first sentence the jury was convinced.
They pressed the button, what means they want them in there team.
All the people in the jury pressed, that means that Ben himself can choose who he wants.

Van Velzen (one of the jury) was so exited about Ben that he jumped into Ben his arms.
That was the highlight of The voice of Holland.
This was the first episode, I am curious of someone is better dan Ben.

Greets Michelle

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