maandag 27 september 2010

My Assignments

All my assignments:

Assignment 2a

Subject: Coming to work

Dear Rob,

We met each other two weeks ago. You said that if I ever was in London, I should e-mail you. I hope that you know who I am. I will be in London next week and I hope that you have a job for me.
I am interested in a job in your company, because I like music. I stay in London for six weeks, I hope that I can help you in your company.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Greets Merlin

Assignment 2b

1.       Unfortunately, I’m not able to attend the invitation, but thank you for your invitation.
2.       Could you give me some information about a possible traineeship at Nike International?
3.       As we agreed on the phone, I am sending you a route description.
4.       I’d like to confirm the meeting that take place on January 15th at 5 o’clock.
5.       I am writing in connection with the report, I will not be able to finish it in time.

Assignment 2c

1.       Unfortunately, I cannot send you the information today. I hope that it is ok that I send it tomorrow.
2.       I look forward to hearing from you. It will be great if it will be reply before next week.
3.       Unfortunately, we cannot send you the information you requested.
4.       It will be nice if you pay this invoice directly.
5.       Unfortunately, I cannot attend the meeting of 15 June.
6.       Can I ask your advice on this matter ASAP?
7.       Can you give me your flight details as soon as possible please?
8.       I hope hearing from you whether the date and time of meeting suit you.

Assignment 2d

To: All staff
From: Michelle van Duinkerken
Subject: Dress code
Cc: Management

Hello colleagues,

We have a new idea, a dress code. We get too many complaints about casual clothes. We have an idea, a dress code.
We organizing gala dinners, business events, seminars and conference venue. That is why we have to look good. We hope that the stuff get more respect from the clients if they wear better adapted clothes.
We also want your opinion! Send an idea about a nice dress code, and I look what you all want. With this idea, you can still walk in fine clothes.
I hope to hear from you all soon, please reply before next Wednesday.

Best wishes
Michelle van Duinkerken

Assignment 4

To:  All Dutch and American employees
From: Communications Department
Date: september 14, 2010     
Subject: A Super Sports Day

The Communications staff think it would be a good idea to organise a Super Sports Day for all Dutch and American employees and their families. We want to give you our aguments for such a day.
Ø  It’s good for our personal relationship and teambuilding, to do things together.
Ø  It’s also good for our language, we must to communicate such days.
Ø  We want to organise a sports day, because it’s good for your healty.
We have the idea to do various group games, like a sack-race, ball games, a relay etc. We also have the idea to organise a shared lunch.
We hope that we convinced you all and you also want a Super Sports Day together. When you have additional ideas who make the day even more fun, you can e-mail to
Thank you.

Assignment 7
Letter of enquiry

5 Crescent Road
Manchester M8 5UF

23 September, 2010

Van Rensselaerstraat 43
3862 AM Nijkerk
The Netherlands

Dear Sir or Madam

Course EFL
On the website of City College Manchester I found English as a Foreign Language course. I am interested in this course but I have a few questions.

First I want to introduce myself. I am Michelle van Duinkerken and I am a corporate communications student. I study on the professional University of Utrecht in the Netherlands. The university has a Faculty of Communication and Journalism, that is why the classes are great and the level is high, so my level is also high. My English is my weakest class that is the reason that I want to do this course. I want to learn a lot and I want to improve my English.

I have a few questions about the course. When is the course? Is it in the summer? How long takes the course? On what level did they start? Will you recommend this course when your English is not so good? And at least, do you get an exam?
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Michelle van Duinkerken
Corporate communications student

Assignment 8
Interview with Catherine Cummings

1. What is remarkable about the comments and the bloggers of the Federal Reserve Bank?
Remarkable is that the bloggers can be anonymous, they don't have to give their names.

2. The Federal Reserve Bank opened a blog to create "buzz". What is meant by this, in other words, what was the purpose of opening blog?
That they start a blog and come back in the intranet and hear about the regular news.

3. What was the female recruiting manager's blog mainly about?
She wrote that she is a fulltime mother and a fulltime manager.

4. What was the purpose of her blog?
Let people know that it is possible to be a mom and manager in the FED.

5. Which words show that the FED does exercise a form of control on the blogs?
Regulated, moderated, control and organize.

6. By what kind of people were the very first FED blogs written?
The Senior Management was the first who write a blog.

7. Have the blog changed the way that people who work for the FED think about internal communications?
The credibility has been increased.

8. What is the latest development in the company as far as media are concerned?
They have TV-screens in the building which shows the important things from the intranet. There coming more screens in the FED.

9. Catherine Cummings says that this medium to communicate with staff is better than an older medium. Which more old-fashioned way of communication with staff does she mention?
Sending a memo.

10. What is the next big thing in social media at the FED?
The Chicago-FED have two websites and they want to re-design both of them.

Assignment 10
Business meeting

I was the Director of Human Resources.
This is a part of my input on the business meeting:

I feel that the magazine has been a great success, but I would like to make a change to help it to reach all employees. My opinion is that the magazine has to be in more languages. At the moment the magazine is published in two languages, English and Spanish. Not everybody speaks English or Spanish well, so I think that the magazine has to publish in German and Japanese as well. A big part of the employees speaks German and Japanese.

I think that the website is a good idea, but that also must be in several different languages, like German and Japanese. And maybe it is an idea for later that they translate it to French and Arabic.  It is not expensive to let it translate by another company.

Assignment 11
Reply to a request

Lingua Services Galactic Ltd
69 Milk Street

29 September, 2010

Dreamtime Movies Universal Ltd
54 Oxford Road
Skagnes SK3 4RG
Tel: 0223 123 4567

Dear Andrea Philips,

I am writing you to reply to your letter about the request of the price list and brochure about our translation service. Unfortunately, I cannot send you the brochure and pricelist of 2010, because we have not got them yet. I will send you them as soon as possible.

It would be grateful when you send us the other four languages in which you interested. When we have the other languages we can make a good quotation.  

I also can edit your website, keep your website up to date or I can give your website a complete facelift. Maybe you interested in our editing service, if you are interested you can email or call me. My e-mail is and my phone numbre is 0612345678.

As enclosure I send you the price list of the editing service.

Yours sincerely,

Michelle van Duinkerken
Communications Manager


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